Promoting the study, practice
and enjoyment of Shakespeare.

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Non-BSA News

33rd SEDERI Conference, 3rd-5th May 2023

The 33rd international SEDERI conference, entitled 'Early Modern English Culture in European Perspective: Relations Across the Channel', will take place on 3rd-5th May 2023 at the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació (Universitat de València). The call for papers can... Read More...

New Episode of ‘Women and Shakespeare’ Podcast: Sarah Olive on Shakespeare in Education

The BSA is delighted to have sponsored this new episode of Varsha Panjwani's 'Women and Shakespeare' podcast, available here: In this episode Varsha is joined by Sarah Olive (former editor of BSA's Teaching Shakespeare magazine), who discusses the role... Read More...

In Memoriam: Professor Michael Hattaway

The British Shakespeare Association is saddened by the passing of Professor Michael Hattaway, on Wednesday 7 July, after a courageous, nine-month struggle with cancer. The Shakespeare world has been enriched by his lively and accessible academic work, from the well-used Elizabethan... Read More...

Bringing the Bard Back Home? The English Translation of Foreign Shakespeare Criticism in the Long Nineteenth Century

BSA members Raphaël Ingelbien and Carmen Reisinger tell us about their five-year research project at KU Leuven, which was launched last year. Translations of Shakespeare’s texts and their impact on the development of various literatures are well charted, but the... Read More...

Productions and Events

Terra Nova Terra Nova, Northern Ireland’s only inter-cultural theatre company, has been busy with Shakespeare in recent months. Check out their wonderful ‘Intercultural Cohort’ project which includes ‘Shakespeare’s Monologues’ (22 April 2021), a series of five monologues from Shakespeare’s plays.... Read More...

The 11th World Shakespeare Congress: Shakespeare Circuits. 18-24 July 2021. Online from Singapore.

The 11th World Shakespeare Congress: Shakespeare Circuits. 18-24 July 2021. Online from Singapore. The quinquennial WSC will be virtual this year. It will include plenaries, panels and seminars and an array of Asian productions of Shakespeare available both during the... Read More...

Early Career Researcher News: Faith Acker, First Readers of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, 1590-1790

Congratulations to BSA member Dr Faith Acker on the publication of her first monograph, First Readers of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, 1590-1790 (Routledge, 2020). Read on to learn more from Dr Acker about her book and the process of adapting her doctoral... Read More...

Shakespeare Now

Members of the BSA may be interested by the following event, which is part of the Books Unbound festival in Hammersmith on 25th and 26th June 2016. Shakespeare Now Saturday 25 June, 4pm Join Dr Pamela Bickley and Dr Jenny... Read More...

New Book by BSA Member

The BSA is delighted to announce the publication of a new book by one of our members, available from retailers now. Details and an extract from the book can be found below. Shakespeare Calling - the book Why Shakespeare?  Who is... Read More...

CFP: Disability and Shakespearean Theatre Symposium

Sir Alwyn Williams Building, Lilybank Gardens University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ 9.45am-5pm, Wednesday 20th April 2016 Attendance: £25 full, £15 concession, free for BSA members This symposium draws together growing research interest in disability studies and Shakespearean theatre. In discussing... Read More...
Website by Agency For Good

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