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British Shakespeare Association Teaching Trustee

The Board of Trustees of the British Shakespeare Association wishes to co-opt a new Trustee from the teaching profession. We are looking for a member of the BSA who is willing to give of his or her time to further the aims of the BSA with particular attention to members of the teaching profession and their pupils. The Trustee would undertake to

  • attend three meetings of the Board of Trustees per year and the Association’s AGM
  • sit on the Board’s Education Sub-Committee (which normally converses virtually via email).

At these meetings and discussions, the Trustee will (1) inform the Board of the current interests and matters of concern amongst teachers and their pupils, including changes to the curriculum and assessment; (2) help in the planning of BSA events to meet the needs and interests of these groups; (3) help to develop strategies to engage teachers and their pupils in BSA events

We wish to appoint someone with

  • a keen interest in developing enthusiasm for Shakespeare’s work amongst young people and teachers (essential)
  • direct experience of teaching in either secondary or primary education (essential)
  • an awareness of the national curriculum and recent changes therein (essential)
  • knowledge of current assessment practices, e.g. working with primary assessment or examination boards as a teacher or an examiner (desirable)

The BSA will meet all reasonable expenses associated with attending meetings, which are normally held on a Saturday afternoon in Stratford-upon-Avon.

As a Trustee, you will share responsibility for helping the Board meet its charitable objectives. The BSA is a charitable company limited by guarantee and all Trustees share a responsibility to ensure that the BSA is managed well.

What are the benefits of joining the BSA Board?

You will gain

  • opportunities for networking, mentoring and collaboration with scholars, practitioners and education professionals in Shakespeare studies.
  • professional development through contributing to a non-profit charitable organisation.
  • a wider perspective on Shakespeare and advance knowledge of Shakespeare-related events and research.
  • the opportunity to steer the organisation to better meet the needs of teachers.

If you wish to nominate yourself for this role, please submit a 300 word (max) statement that outlines your interest in the role and your professional experience/affiliation by email to the BSA’s Deputy Chair, Alison Findlay, by the 30th November 2015.

If you would like an informal chat about the role, please get in touch with Alison by email or speak to members of the Board at the Annual General Meeting on November 7th.

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