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First Impressions: Script Analysis for Theatre by Robert Knopf

This post is part of a series of brief, ‘first impression’ reviews of books on Shakespeare in Education. Look out for others posted to the BSA’s Education Network Blog.

Name of reviewing team: Eve

In a Nutshell, this book is about:

Providing theatre study’s and emerging theatre artists with the tools and skills to analyse scripts. Based around Stanislavsky’s system of acting and method acting. Focus on action, time and places

Who would like it?

Students studying the book mentioned or wanting to expand their understanding of script analysing. Teachers of drama, theatre or English literature

Who wouldn’t like it?

Younger students who are not interested in script analysis. Not necessarily for theatregoers only.

Best Feature?

Includes a range of the most studied pages so most students would have experience or use the book to help with their studies

Worst Quality?

Relatively boring inside. No pictures and lots of text which is not very broken up.

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