New special issue of ‘Shakespeare’ journal: Shakespeare and the Jews
24th April 2022
The BSA is delighted to announce the recent publication of a special issue of our journal Shakespeare on the theme of ‘Shakespeare and the Jews’, edited by Coen Heijes and Sabine Schülting. This special issue brings together eight articles that explore, in the editors’ words, ‘the incredible width of the topic in their approaches, some more historicist, some more presentist, some theatre oriented, some focusing on adaptations in the cinema or on the page, some more autobiographical, some zooming in on specific aspects of Jewishness’.
Parts of the special issue are available in Open Access here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rshk20/current
If you are a BSA member who has purchased journal access, please log in to the BSA website and click on ‘Journal‘ on the dashboard in order to access the entire issue.
If you would like to add a journal subscription to your BSA membership, please log in and click on ‘Edit Membership‘ to purchase the £15 journal upgrade, which will remain active until the end of the membership year (31 December 2022).