Applications open for BSA Small Events Fund
9th September 2022
Applications are currently open for the BSA’s Small Events Fund, for awards of up to £250 per event. The purpose of the BSA’s Small Events Fund is to offer financial support to members of the BSA who wish to organize a Shakespeare-related event. We especially encourage proposals from doctoral and early career researchers, teachers and educators, and theatre practitioners. Both online and in-person events are eligible for this scheme, particularly education, performance, and academic events. Examples of eligible costs include:
- Honoraria for unsalaried speakers / practitioners
- Expenses associated with staging performances
- Fees for online streaming / video platforms (e.g. Crowdcast, Zoom Premium, Vimeo)
- Fees for video editing software (for filmed performances)
- Travel expenses for invited speakers.
Eligibility and How to Apply
Applications are open to BSA members in good standing; further particulars about how to make an application can be accessed from the Members’ Dashboard after logging in to your BSA account and clicking on the ‘Small Events Fund’ icon.
The deadline for the current round is 30th September 2022.